设置外键后,想删除表中的数据无法删除,这时需删除外键后重建, 或找到外键后用 alter table 表名 nocheck 外键名 来暂时屏蔽外键,然后删除。 干脆写个存储过程,设置外键的开关。 exec fk_switch '表名',0 屏蔽外键 exec fk_switch '表名',1 重启外键
/* Usage: exec fk_switch 'tableName',0 delete tableName where fieldName = 'abc' -- truncate table tableName exec fk_switch 'tableName',1 */ Create proc fk_switch @tableName varchar(20),@status bit As declare @fk varchar(50),@fktable varchar(20) declare @s varchar(1000) declare cur cursor for select b.name as fkname,c.name as fktablename from sysforeignkeys a join sysobjects b on a.constid = b.id join sysobjects c on a.fkeyid = c.id join sysobjects d on a.rkeyid = d.id where d.name = @tableName open cur fetch next from cur into @fk,@fktable while @@fetch_status = 0 begin if @status = 0 begin set @s = 'alter table '+@fktable+' nocheck constraint '+ @fk print @s end else begin set @s = 'alter table '+@fktable+' check constraint '+ @fk print @s end exec(@s) fetch next from cur into @fk,@fktable end close cur deallocate cur
--以下为测试: create table A (id int primary key) go create table B(id int, constraint fk_B_A foreign key (id) references A (id)) go create table C(id int, constraint fk_C_A foreign key (id) references A (id)) go insert A values (1) insert B values(1) insert C values (1)
--1: delete a /***** 服务器: 消息 547,级别 16,状态 1,行 1 DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'fk_B_A'. The conflict occurred in database 'pubs', table 'B', column 'id'. The statement has been terminated. *******/
--2: begin tran exec fk_switch 'A',0 delete A exec fk_switch 'A',1 rollback /* alter table B nocheck constraint fk_B_A alter table C nocheck constraint fk_C_A
(所影响的行数为 1 行)
alter table B check constraint fk_B_A alter table C check constraint fk_C_A */
--3: 清除测试表 drop table A,B,C go